
Digital approval and digital tracking of paper or digital documentation.

The Problem
Document security, corporate governance and workflow tracking and control, have become critical in the complex global workplace where decisions need to be made quickly and smartly in order to remain competitive.

Giving staff the necessary tools to be able to collaborate efficiently to enable quick, accurate decision making, means adding greater value to ERP, CRM, HR and other business systems.

The Solution
Of equal importance to the above, DocuVision’s DocuFlow, offers staff an efficient application that ensure critical documents are vetted and approved in line with the Company’s governance policies.

DocuFlow, an add-on module to DocuVision’s Enterprise Docu-ment Management Solutions eDMS, can be used as part of the ERP workflow to start a workflow, block ERP decisions due to missing documents or for workflows that are required outside of the ERP workflow or before the ERP is engaged.

With DocuVisions’ well documented integration capabilities, whether the user is using a ERP, CRM or other Line of business systems, DocuFlows’ integration capabilities allows for controlled access to system generated documents, external digital documents or paper-based documents. Whether this requires Process Document Management or Collaborative Workflow, DocuFlow is a very effective solution.

The Benefits

  • Document control and traceability – No time wasted in finding the document(s) needed to make business decisions, required documents are linked into the workflow for easy accessibility for quick, accurate decision making.
  • Collect and process accurate data - Relevant to the documents for ease in search and retrieval.
  • Reduce - The risk of fraud, human error, noncompliance and potential reputational damage by controlling access to critical documents.
