
darkred is an all in one platform that seamlessly manages every stage of the field service process. We remove the headache, integrate separate systems, and ensure your team resolves tickets in the shortest time possible.

Integrate your job logging, ERP, accounting, invoicing, communications, scheduling and...

  • Slash your Days to Close by up to 75%
  • Increase your customer satisfaction and brand reputation
  • Improve your service profitability
Are you struggling to, meet your service level targets?
Your Days to Close are higher than ever. Customer experience is shocking. First time closures are at rock bottom levels. SLAs are not being met. Management is frustrated with performance.

You need a stable, centralised system that handles your process seamlessly.

Are you struggling to, keep your customers happy?
Customers are frustrated because they don’t get reliable updates on their jobs. Minor jobs takes weeks to be resolved. Retailers are reluctant to stock your products. Sales are declining.

You need to improve your customer service experience.

Are you struggling to, measure performance?
You have accurate data about performance. You have no visibility or oversight. You can’t identify trends or bottlenecks; and can’t make decisions to fix things because you don’t know.

You need visibility, control and data at your fingertips.